The energy is flowing and building up, up, up and up. No one knows who will win the individual parties primary elections or in the presidential elections between the two parties in November 2008. I have been a strong supporter of liberal politics in the way of voting for the candidate that demonstrates they will help clear a path, a path of change. Nader 00’, Kucinich 04’, Kucinich 08’, oh wait; they would not let him debate or even run a competitive campaign. Obama 08’ is the next best, electable, candidate who will create change and he had and will have my vote.
The past eight years have been a living hell. The United States has separated itself from the rest of the world and our administration has cut off many ties to coexist in a global community. I am ashamed to call myself an American under this administration. How do I live in a country with an admin that is irresponsible in their actions? How do I live in a country that creates and supports endless war? And how do I live with G.W.B. as my president?
We have to change. We have to end this war. We have to open our conversation with other countries and react responsibly and peacefully in this universal, global community.
After living with war for this long, this election feels like all the momentum that Obama has built up and will explode like the bombs that George Bush ordered dropped on innocent villages and childen, men and woman, but different, Obama's bombs will be bombs of peace, they will be bombs of change, and they will be bombs of fresh air, a fresh breath of air. Obama continues to build up this energy, and with the positive change he will bring to our nation, and if he gets elected, I will be proud to call myself an American once again.